Xmas Web exclusives at Leveeland Creations...

"suicide king"
app 12" x 4"
"Found objects on heartpine flooring. Inspired when I was playing poker by king of hearts playing card." - Rev

"blessed be"
app 12" x 4"
"Side of this 400 year old piece of heart pine says 'blessed be the broken. Sad girl's guardian angel catalpa flies over her head. It's about hurting and the veil of protection that can cover a person who has already been damaged as much as they can be. Nothing more can hurt them, in an essence, 'blessed.'" - Rev

app 18" x 12"
"catalpa means head with wings. This would look exquisite over a doorway or existing piece of art." - Rev

"i carry delicate"
app 12" x 12"
"salavged wood and conrugated tin with quote from ee cummings poem ' i carry your heart with me' " - Rev

"i carry metal"
app 12" x 12"
"salavged wood and conrugated tin with quote from ee cummings poem ' i carry your heart with me' " - Rev

"i carry classic"
app 12" x 12"
"salavged wood and conrugated tin with quote from ee cummings poem ' i carry your heart with me' " - Rev

"strawflower skull
app 10" x 10"
"salvaged wood skull with found objects" - Rev

"romy kaye skull
app 10" x 10"
"salvaged wood skull with found objects" - Rev

"bold burgundy skull
app 10" x 10"
"salvaged wood skull with found objects" - Rev

"la lavender skull
app 10" x 10"
"salvaged wood skull with found objects" - Rev

"pink apple skull
app 10" x 10"
"salvaged wood skull with found objects" - Rev
Wholesale Specials at Leveeland Creations...

10 stitched hearts for $200
Mounted with staples, nails and found materials these hearts come in four styles on trim board or similar sized salvaged wood, these multi-colored stitched hearts usually sell for $30. Buy in bulk and more than 50%. Hand them out to friends and family or keep them close for "emergency" gifts. Hearts are hung with twine and have Xs carved 'round the border. Made with salavaged wood. A hodgepodge of colors will be sent. If you have color requirements add them to the notes in checkout. Check out all these happy customers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Four salvaged wood skulls for $100
One of my most popular pieces on Jackson Square these usually retail for $40. Buy in bulk for $15 off each piece. If you have color requirements add them to the notes in checkout. Check out all these happy skull customers: 1, 2, 3, 4